Mentorship Program
About the Program
The goal of this program is to provide younger scientists (newly independent scientists or late stage post‐doctoral fellows) with high quality mentoring by a senior scientist within mucosal immunology. The mentorship will formally last two years and is intended to assist the mentees in the development of their independent scientific programs on all levels, including, for example, grant writing and networking. Click here to apply!
Although many universities and institutes have formal mentoring programs, it may be difficult for faculty at smaller or specialized settings to find a mentor with mucosal immunology expertise. External mentoring, outside of the mentee’s institution, will promote networking opportunities. This setup also allows for the discussion of topics that the mentee may not be comfortable having with his/her peers. Guidance and support through this program will allow for the mentee’s successful career and professional advancement in mucosal immunology.
It is expected that each mentee‐mentor pair will establish their own unique relationship. However, a successful SMI Mentoring Program pairing will entail some aspects of grant reviewing, manuscript reviewing and invitation of the mentee for a research seminar.
- The program will provide up to $1,000 travel money to support the mentee’s travel to the mentor’s institution. It is expected these trips will be used for scientific exchange, including informal and formal presentations and grant revision.
- During the program, mentees and mentors will be expected to attend the biennial ICMI event. Registration fees will be paid by SMI for both the mentee and mentor; the mentee and mentor are responsible for other costs associated with attendance. The mentees will present short talks in a SMI Mentoring Program panel. Mentors and mentees will also have an event to network with each other.
- A yearly evaluation will be performed by both the mentee and the mentor and submitted to the SMI Mentoring Program Committee.
Mentor Selection
In pairing a mentee and a mentor several elements will be considered, the most important being familiarity with the main scientific funding organizations of the mentee including grant formats and scientific review panels. Other factors include general geographic area and field of interest. The program will allow applicants to propose up to three mentors for consideration of the SMI Mentoring Program Committee. Prior employment of the mentee by the mentor is not allowed.
Mentees will be newly independent investigators within 5 years of their first independent appointment at a new research institution. Senior post-doctoral fellows (at least 2 years of postdoctoral training at the time of application) or Scientists with other titles (i.e. Research Assistant Professor or Instructor) who may not have independent labs, but are in a similar career stage, are also welcome to apply. Applicants must be SMI members in good standing.
SMI will accept applications for the 2024-2026 mentoring cohort beginning in December through the application deadline on April 30, 2025. All applicants will be contacted on, or before May 31, 2025 with final decisions. A current SMI membership is a prerequisite for this program. Materials for application include the following:
- Ranked list of three potential mentors with their institution and contact information
- Statement on what you hope to gain from participating in the program (750-word limit)
- Current CV
- Submitted application—apply here
I was very happy to be back in the UK where I did 2 postdocs before moving to France as an Assistant Professor. Cecilia Johansson organised a perfect agenda for my visit. I had the opportunity to give a 45-min talk about my past and current projects to researchers affiliated with Imperial College London. Following this presentation, I had the opportunity to have lunch with a few PhD students and postdocs. We discussed supervision and leadership skills. After this, I met key PIs in the field (Prof Danny Altmann, Prof John Tregoning, Prof Christopher Chiu, Dr Vanessa Sancho-Shimizu) at Imperial College London. We discussed my ongoing projects and they gave me some great advice on the development of my projects, my team and my career. These discussions will also help me to develop future collaborations. This visit was also the opportunity to meet Cecilia Johansson in person and to organise our monthly meeting in person. To finish this fantastic day, a nice dinner was organised in a good Indian restaurant.
I can only recommend this mentorship programme which provides guidance to researchers in their transition period to independence."
“The SMI mentorship program was an amazing opportunity at this early stage of my career to engage with an established researcher, Ass. Prof. Ivan Zanoni, at Harvard Medical School. I greatly benefited from his help to shape my ideas for my projects, grant proposals, lab management, personal career. I also had the chance to visit my mentor at Harvard and gave a seminar leading to more discussions with other PIs at Harvard. I highly recommend this mentorship program and would like to thank again SMI to have accepted my application.” – Dr. Regis Joulia - Imperial College London (November 2023)
- Ashok Kumar Kumawat - Örebro University, Sweden (May 2023)

Mentee |
Mentor |
2023-2025 |
Lu Huang, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Christina Stallings, Washington University School of Medicine |
Stephanie Longet, Centre for Infectiology Research |
Cecilia Johansson, Imperial College London |
Madhvi Menon, The University of Manchester |
Clare Lloyd, Imperial College London |
Carla Nowosad, New York University Grossman School of Medicine |
Marion Pepper, University of Washington |
Carolina Prado, Fundacion CIencia y Vida |
Kiyoshi Takeda, Osaka University |
Francesco Strati, University of Milano-Bicocca |
Eduardo Villablanca, Karolinska Institutet |
2022-2024 |
Valerie Cortez, University of California, Santa Cruz |
June Round, University of Utah School of Medicine |
Regis Joulia, Imperial College London |
Ivan Zanoni, Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School |
Stephanie Langel, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine |
Jennifer Gommerman, University of Toronto |
Elena Mitsi, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine |
Clare Lloyd, Imperial College London |
2021-2023 |
Manuela Ferreira, University of Coimbra |
Gérard Eberl, Institut Pasteur |
Alessandra Filardy, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
Danial Mucida, The Rockefeller University |
Devesha Kulkarni, Washington University School of Medicine |
Theresa Alenghat, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital |
Ashok Kumar Kumawat, Örebro University |
Mark Travis, University of Manchester |
Ziad Nabhani, University of Bern |
Matthias Hornef, University Hospital RWTH Aachen |
Danyvid Olivares-Villagomez, Vanderbilt University Medical Center |
Rodney Newberry, Washington University School of Medicine |
2020-2022 |
Kathryn Knoop, Mayo Clinic, Rochester |
June Round, University of Utah |
Joana Neves, Kings College London |
Clare Lloyd, Imperial College, London |
Pedro Hernandez, Institut Curie |
Eduardo Villablanca, Karolinska Instituetat |
2019-2021 |
Rodolfo Vicetti Miguel, Stanford University |
Mitchell Kronenberg, La Jolla Institute for Immunology |
Renata Curciarello, University of La Plata |
Gabriel Nunez, University of Michigan |
Hao-Sen Chiang, Taiwan University |
Kiyoshi Takeda, Osaka University |
2018-2020 |
Francesca Ronchi, University of Bern |
Andreas Diefenbach, Charité |
Mahima Swamy, University of Dundee |
Nadine Cerf-Bensussan, INSERM |
Rajat Madan, University of Cincinnati |
Brian Kelsall, National Institutes of Health |
Lucy Jackson Jones, University Edinburgh / Lancaster University |
Adriano Rossi, University of Edinburgh |
Matthew Hepworth, University of Manchester |
Rick Maziels, University of Glasgow |
Calum Bain, University of Edinburgh |
Dana Philpott, University of Toronto |
2017-2019 |
Andrea Reboldi, University of Massachusetts Medical Center |
Kathy McCoy, University of Calgary |
Benjamin Lee, University of Vermont |
Nicholas Mantis, New York State Department of Health |
David Bernardo Ordiz, Hospital Universitario de la Princesa |
William Agace, Lund University |
Eduardo Villablanca, Karolinska Institutet |
Nadine Cerf-Bensussan, INSERM |
Elizabeth Mann, University of Glasgow |
Clare Lloyd, Imperial College London |
2016-2018 |
Lauren Zenewicz, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center |
Cathryn Nagler, University of Chicago |
Gianna Hammer, Duke University |
Brian Kelsall, National Institutes of Health |
Katharina Lahl, DTU Vet |
Allan Mowat, University of Glasgow |
Helena Paidassi, ISERM/CNRS |
Gerard Eberl, Institut Pasteur |
Meritxell Genesca, Health Sciences Research Institute |
Nils Lycke, University of Goteberg |
Lin-Xi Li, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
David Masopust, University of Minnesota |
Pablo Romagnoli, University of Connecticut Health Center |
Ifor Williams, Emory University |