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Dr. Hiroshi Kiyono


Dr. Kiyono obtained his dental degree (D.D.S.) from Nihon University, and Ph. D. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). His background as a dentist combined with extensive research experience in the field of Mucosal Immunology at UAB, Max-Planck Institute, Osaka University and now, the University of Tokyo make him exceptionally well qualified to be one of the readers for the current and future direction of mucosal immunology and mucosal vaccine. To reflect his scientific contribution, he has been listed in ISI Highly Cited Researchers’ List since 2005.

He is the past President of Society for Mucosal Immunology. He received of several prestigious awards including NIH New Investigator Research Award, NIH Research Career Development Award, The Japanese Society for Vaccinology Takahashi Award, and Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Medical Science Award. He has a total of 450 publications in peer review journals and edited a total of 20 books. He is currently Dean, the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo with adjunctive/visiting professorship at UAB, Osaka University, Nihon University and Shinsyu University.